Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today, I got back from a fun rafting trip with friends in Tennessee. Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures due to the fact that I did not want to take my camera rafting with me--for obvious reasons. But if I had had my camera, I would have taken a picture of some of us falling out of the boat. After having been in the boat for a grand total of less than 5 minutes we went through our first rapids and three people fell out. Thankfully, we had a man from Navy Special Forces who pulled them out. Thanks!

My dear friend Maryfrances had just arrived in town the day before with her brand new baby which I had not seen yet so we took a quick detour to hold sweet little baby  

And even though some of the babies were much bigger, we held and kissed them too. 

As pretty as this looks now, an hour later when we drove through it, it wasn't quite so nice. 

This is the river where we went rafting--it looks rather calm here. The rapids were class 3 & 4. 

These smoke looking things (I don't know what to call them) are the reason these mountains are called the Smokey Mountains. 

These are some sweet girls we met along the way. 

Certain unmentioned friends of them (lots of them) need to learn from this picture. All I had to do was point my camera in their general direction and they got together and smiled. They did not run, hide, or complain! And the camera did not bite them nor did anything bad happen to them. Please learn dear friends!

We enjoyed lots of laughter together

Up to no good... 

Though I did not get any pictures of our last morning, I must thank Charity for her delicious breakfast of hot waffles with homemade strawberry jam and whipped cream, it was delicious. It made the perfect ending to our lovely weekend!

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