Monday, October 29, 2012

VT and brothers

For the past two weeks I've been traveling about visiting, exploring, resting, and learning. Here is the first stop of our trip, Virginia Tech, to visit my brother Carter who attends there and is in the Corps of Cadets. 

Our little friend the bat

Carter's dorm

We don't have very colorful autumns at the beach, so we love traveling in the fall

Beautiful fall colors call for a picture

On Saturday we went to the home football game. I went not interested in football, and I left still uninterested in football. There are way too many confusing rules and too many people get hurt. But obviously, many people disagree with me. 

Somewhere in the sea of blue and white, Carter stands

According to tradition, whenever VT scores a touchdown, the cadets do pushups for however many points they now have. 


I don't believe I've ever seen so much maroon and orange...

The homecoming parade in the morning, that's my handsome brother holding the sign

Married for 22 years, and still hand in hand.

What is there to do when you're waiting for someone? 

Take pictures 

Brothers are very useful things to have around. We were very happy to have ours back for a bit.

Now we countdown the days till Thanksgiving when we'll see him again. 


Hannah Beckett said...

Those leaves are RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous. And that picture of you and Carter is adorable. Don't tell him I used that word in describing it...

Claire L said...

BAHAHAHA! What a word to use!

I agree with Hannah: these pictures are stunning. Those leaves are even prettier than the ones we have here, which I thought were rather gorgeous. I really like the pictures of you and Emily, too.